Get ta fuck!!! If, like me, you spend as much of you life as possible trying to be like Jeffrey Lebowski, then this website is definitely for you - ! Dudeism claims to be "the slowest growing religion in the world" (which is probably a good thing, considering the state of all the other ones), and it professes to adhere to "an ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness, [and] practices as little as possible" far, so fucking good. There's all manner of links for fans of 'el Duderino', and you can even get ordained, free of charge, to become a 'Dudeist priest', just like The Crank did; although I do have to admit to a bit of moonlighting for Walter Sobchak's 'Church of Infinite Rage', from time to time.
The forthcoming paperback 'The Tao of The Dude' looks like it could be quite beneficial to practicing Dudeists, with chapters on conflict ('This aggression will not stand'), open-mindedness and creativity ('A lot of ins and outs'), and progress ('New shit has come to light').
Anyway, check out the links, keep takin' her easy for all the sinners, and remember, at all times, ABIDE. I'm off for a couple of oat sodas.....later.
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